The words you use influence your fertility
The words we use in our day-to-day life influence us, so you can imagine that the language and the words you use around conception, pregnancy, giving birth and raising a child also have a very powerful effect on you, because they influence the way you feel about the whole experience.
Let's do an exercise together:
Grab a pen and a piece of paper, sit down, close your eyes and relax for a few seconds. Breathe in and breathe out slowly.
NOW, imagine that you’ve just had your pregnancy confirmed.
I want you to notice what you feel as I say these words
What’s the very first feeling that comes to you?
Now notice the next feeling, what is it?
You can open your eyes now, grab your piece of paper and write these feelings down, the first one that came to mind straightaway and the next one that followed.
Then, on the same or another piece of paper, I want you to write down:
What are the words that you use to describe yourself, your age, your body and your overall health?
What words do you use around the experience of nursing a baby? We know some women idealise the opportunity and others find it quite challenging.
What words are you using when you think about pregnancy?
What words do you use when it comes to the giving birth experience?
And for women that are going through fertility treatments like IVF - What words do you use regarding the procedure?
Leave this piece of paper in sight so you can keep filling it up over the next few days and start noticing the language and words you usually use around conception, pregnancy, giving birth and raising a child - yourself and as a couple.
Notice if you're both linking PAIN and PLEASURE to the experience of having a baby: Do you want to have a baby, but fear anything around the whole experience?
Doing these exercises will help you UNDERSTAND what are the thoughts, beliefs and words attached to having a baby for you.
They will give you a better UNDERSTANDING of what you can change, because remember you can always decide to change the words you use for better words.
Changing your words will change how you feel about every step of the way to go. It will change the whole experience. It will influence your body ans your fertility!