Rapid Transformational Therapy®


We’re all a Work (of Art) in Progress, why not make the Progress RAPID and TRANSFORMATIONAL

Anne-Marie was personally trained by Marisa Peer, founder and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®).

This RTT® experience can shift struggles that one may think they can never recover from, have suffered for years even decades, or have tried so many other modalities. You found the therapy you were always looking for: freedom from the painful problems of your past.

A single session is great for very specific issues when the person has already been working on themselves and find that they still feel stuck.

More details about the Exclusive Single 1-1 Session of Rapid Transformational Therapy®:

How does it differ from other therapeutic methods?

  • In essence, RTT® is a pioneering therapy based on neuroscience, that offers fast, effective results by combining the most beneficial principles of Psychology, Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Healing, Counseling and Coaching.

How does it work so quickly?

  • The whole experience is designed to uncover the root origins of your issues as soon as possible. None of us were born with negative beliefs and habits, we all acquired them somewhere along the way. This powerful and dynamic experience rapidly and permanently removes limiting beliefs and habits by exploring with you how, where, and when you acquired them and help you understand and reframe the beliefs that are hurting you and holding you back.

Why does this work so well?

  • RTT® is used to reach breakthroughs via hypnosis, ​which​ ​is​ ​a completely​ ​safe,​ ​natural ​and​ ​relaxing​ ​process​ ​where​ ​you​ ​will​ ​remain​ ​in​ ​control throughout​ ​the​ ​duration​ ​of​ ​the experience.

  • By rapidly rewiring the neural pathways of the brain, RTT® replaces our out-dated belief systems and negative patterns of behaviour. New life-affirming beliefs are formed and the healing process begins. This experience delivers extraordinary, permanent change by reframing your core beliefs, values, habits and emotions deeply embedded in your subconscious.

The Exclusive Single 1-1 Session of Rapid Transformational Therapy® includes:

  • Working directly 1-1 with Anne-Marie Pereira.

  • Pre-session RTT® Relaxation Recording to listen to each day leading up to your session to prime your nervous system and mind for the Session.

  • 2-hour Rapid Transformational Therapy® / Clinical Hypnotherapy Session.

  • Specific and personalized​ ​RTT® recording​ (created during the session) ​to​ ​listen​ ​to​ ​for​ at least ​21​ ​days following the experience.

Note: Don't hesitate to contact me if you're interested in paying through bank transfer or need a payment plan offer. Also, in-person sessions are available to be experienced in Ericeira, Portugal (45min from Lisbon) for an extra €55/session whichever experience or program you choose to invest in.

She found herself again

From low confidence to amazing inner self-assurance and self-awareness

Unlocked and free to be her real self and follow her dreams

Rapid, Permanent & Life-Changing

You found the therapy you were always looking for: freedom from the painful problems of your past.

About RTT®

 Online Sessions are POWERFUL

Online Sessions are just as powerful if not better because you aren't going to a strange environment where you have never been before.

You are in the comfort of your own home, where you are familiar with the environment and hypnotherapy works best when the client is relaxed and comfortable.

— Maria Alice, Brazil

“I heard about Rapid Therapy Technique with hypnosis on Google and decided to give it a try in an attempt to improve myself from old emotional problems and traumas ingrained in my personality, which were affecting me in my daily life.

I had already tried various therapeutic methods since 1990 - psychology, psychoanalysis, psychiatry and alternative methods such as Theta Healing, Family Constellation, Apometry, etc. and the core of my issue had been touched very little. I knew I was in depression or a depressive state and other psycho-emotional ailments. [...]

I started seeking psychological help. And I wasn't getting better. I became sad and bitter. I ended the relationship. I threw myself into work. The children were with me and I didn't allow myself to have another life - just work and home. [...]

I oscillated between sadness and joy. But I didn't love myself. I didn't do anything for myself. And I wanted to heal. [...]

But I had to work on my personality full of conflicts and scars from having a narcissistic mother and an ex-husband who was also narcissistic. [...]

My thoughts were completely negative about myself - not being loved, not deserving, everything going wrong, being flawed, not accepting myself, not loving myself, and not knowing myself. Losing myself. Disconnected from myself. I knew I needed to connect with myself. But... how do you do that? Where do you start? Then I saw an explanation on Google about hypnosis in Rapid Therapy. I looked for a professional.

I told my story to Anne-Marie. It would be another experience. She proposed that I listen to a recorded audio every day where she provided psychological, rational and motivating support to my being so afflicted with lack of self-love. At first, it was confusing to hear so much explanation about a positive and loving "self" towards myself. I oscillated psychologically for a few days. Until I realized that I was strengthening and growing some good feelings towards myself. Maybe I could believe and trust in myself. Doubts. What if I accept that I was a victim and can stop being a victim? And I started accepting more and better. And realizing that it wasn't so bad, that I didn't need to be afraid, nor guilty. I believed a lie my whole life - I believed I was bad when it wasn't the truth.

The experience was strengthening my good, loving side... And I wasn't anything like what I believed I was. I started taking possession of a positive, conscious being, discovering a strong, sweet person, without guilt, accepting myself, exchanging the wrong information about myself for respect and integrity towards myself. What a relief to realize and feel myself with dignity. A weight lifted off my mind and my shoulders. I became happier with myself for stimulating, motivating myself to be a better person, authentic and assuming desires and wishes. At work, I felt tired and incompetent. It wasn't the truth, nor the reality. I see myself more committed to my work, honoring and respecting what I do. Anxiety decreased by about 50%. I am brave to face professional difficulties with enthusiasm and certainty of doing my best. Now I am learning to deal with reality without fleeing from it, nor fleeing from myself. I postponed, procrastinated because I didn't see a solution for myself. I wanted to die soon. I did tasks just to be free from them. Today I am learning to see today with a new perspective on life and on myself. I still have a lot to learn about myself, about relationships, about thinking healthily. I was hopeless. Now I see endless possibilities, I think about analyzing, evaluating before seeking, accomplishing with coherence, logic and satisfaction, respect and loving kindness. I can be independent, free, dignified and happy with myself. The important thing is to achieve, regain, reconnect with my dignity.

Thank you Anne-Marie for helping me discover myself for myself. I still listen to her audio twice a day. It relaxes me, I gently find myself. Subtly I have been leaving mediocrity, self-punishment and self-demanding, so unnecessary, I see myself more gently.

I still don't have an expectation for the future because I haven't finished this healing process. I feel lightness in some thoughts and feelings as if they moved with the wind, as if they were clouds in the sky. At least now I have a clear sky and clouds forming and dispersing - they flow.

I know I was trapped in a box of Non-values for a long time. I lingered there because I saw no possibilities outside of it. I looked outside. Nothing made sense or had value. I postponed leaving the box out of fear and insecurity. My heart wanted to go out there and didn't go because of fear. I needed to get out. I did so many therapies and little changed. Yet my soul cried out - Do it! Go! I closed my eyes for a second and transported myself into the powerful audio that contained strong, true and sweet words. My heart felt happy and opened to feel the values that I didn't even know. Slowly, at night before sleeping, listening to the audio call my name and lead me to a healthy place where I always wanted to be. I found myself, allowed myself to stay, allowed myself to believe... in myself.

Here I am. In the process of strengthening my muscles and loving synapses towards myself. Comfortable with myself, I'm going. Happy with myself for not giving up on the audio. Happy to realize that I heard the voice of my soul whispering to me, inside. Those words were decisive in clarifying my mind about Myself that I neglected. I can be myself subtly, gently experiencing the joy of living and being happy. And allowing myself and managing to be happy, even with so many problems. I am not them - the problems and situations. I am a powerful magnet of miracles!

Thank you Anne-Marie for giving back myself to myself. May you receive all the blessings, joys and recognition for your work, your professionalism, your care in transforming people into themselves through their own stories. Gratitude for the Angel you were in my life.

May there be enchantment, tenderness, delicacy and a good Angel in every corner. Good morning!”

Unsure which offer is best for you?

This is what the Free Clarity Call is for - to discuss where you are, where you desire to be and recommend what would be the best offer to bridge the gap.