Our Mind should be our Best Friend
We often strive to avoid or resolve conflict situations with other people, whether in our personal or professional lives. We want to create good relationships, friendships and partnerships, forgetting that the most important conflicts to deal with are not external and therefore "visible", but hidden within us, in our mind. The same goes for you and your mind!
Internal conflict situations exist when certain thoughts or beliefs are contradictory and the fact is that our mind simply cannot handle contradictory beliefs and thoughts simultaneously.
You cannot be happy and depressed or pleasant and negative at the same time, nor can you lie while thinking you are acting honestly.
You can't be a person who is moving towards your goals every day and feel like you've failed.
Conflicting beliefs confuse and block the mind, preventing it from helping you get closer to what you really want to create in your life. And because it is impossible for the mind to hold contradictory beliefs, they automatically cancel each other out and despite your best efforts, the situations you would like to see happen do not materialize - without you understanding why. This is also called self-sabotage.
People who are successful in any field, such as relationships, health or career, have very precise and clear concepts because they know that their mind takes in everything they say, without exception, as pure truth. It doesn't question whether what we tell it is true or false, good or bad - it just accepts whatever it hears.
If you pay close attention to the words and phrases you say to yourself all the time, you can identify some of the negative words that are repeated, such as "I can't do it" or "there are others better than me". Would you talk to your best friend this way? Certainly not. And the fact is that our mind should be our best friend, our greatest ally.
Your words and thoughts are powerful influences and your mind is constantly listening. The fact is that your life is strongly influenced by the words you constantly speak and the images you visualize in your mind.
Making your mind your best friend is up to you. Make the decision to make your mind your greatest ally. Be aware of every word you say and every thought you create, always keeping in mind that your mind and body are constantly working to materialize your reality.