6 years ago my life stopped.

6 years ago my life stopped.
Today is a reminder of the most life changing event of my life. From that day, started a lifelong commitment to understand more about myself, others and life itself.
Why? Is always the first question that comes to mind when something so hurtful happens to us. Just like you, I also asked myself this question, though it dissipated as the days went by, as I started to ask myself different questions. What’s the message here? What can I do? What is there for me to learn? What do I have to change? How different can I live from today onwards?
Life is an experience and we all went through some kind of experience that we never thought we’d survive, but we did, we’re still here. And that’s beautiful. Understanding that changes everything to the experience of life itself.
I'm proof of it, you’re proof of it, we’re all proof of it.
Looking back, I could focus on the worst part, I could remember the pain, the tears, the worry, the confusion, the heartache, the loss, but I’ve decided long ago to only make space for the good memories of what I’ve been given the opportunity to live at that moment of my life.
What if everything we lived, even the worst part, was a calling for us to live a different life? What if everything we go through had a message that we need to understand and act on? What if we were only given the challenges that we were able to thrive upon? What if whatever you’re going through right now, you could somewhere in between the pain, the tears, the worry, the confusion, the heartache have an intrinsic, deep inner knowing that you will be OK. That even if there are things that we can’t really make sense of, you will find a way to thrive and reborn from the ashes. What if you knew that your worst life’s experiences were about become your best teacher, your best guide, your best ally, your special treasure?
6 years ago, my life began.

Anne-Marie Pereira 🧡 Wellbeing & Fertility Expert

Welcome! I'm Anne-Marie, your dedicated guide on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and feminine empowerment. With over four enriching years as a Transformational Therapist and Fertility Expert, my mission is to empower women to unlock their true potential, embrace their inner strength and cultivate lives filled with love, joy and fulfillment.

My unique approach is rooted in a profound understanding of the transformative power within the mind, body and soul connection. Before immersing myself in self-development and therapy, I lived a life that, while seemingly "normal," left me feeling disconnected. Now, I share my story of rediscovery, embracing every step that brought me here with immense gratitude.

What sets my practice apart is the incorporation of a systemic approach to hypnosis, guiding you to connect the dots in your life. I believe every challenge holds a message, an opportunity for revelation, understanding and healing.

Fertility, to me, is a journey beyond conception. Together, we delve into the core, addressing not just apparent challenges but the entire spectrum of your life. Explore transformative programs tailored to empower you on your unique journey.

I invite you to prioritize yourself, your health and your fertility. Join me on this transformative journey and let's unlock the limitless potential within you. Subscribe for empowering insights and connect on social media @freeinfertility. Welcome to a world of empowerment, joy and limitless potential!


A week of deep introspection


What is it that you truly want?