Discover Your
Inner Strength
and True Potential
with Anne-Marie

Welcome! I'm Anne-Marie Pereira, your dedicated guide on the path to wellbeing and fertility. With over five years of experience as a Transformational Therapist and Fertility Expert, I'm here to help you:

  • Embrace your inner strength

  • Unlock your true potential

  • Create a life filled with love, joy and fulfilment

Are you ready to transform your life? Let's begin this journey together!

My Approach: The Mind-Body Connection

I believe in the powerful connection between mind, body and soul. My journey has led me to a deep understanding of how our thoughts and emotions impact our physical wellbeing and fertility.

In our work together, we'll explore:

  • How your mind influences your body

  • Ways to harness this connection for positive change

  • Techniques to achieve total wellbeing on all levels

By understanding and nurturing this mind-body connection, you can unlock profound transformations in your life and fertility journey.

From Overwhelm to Empowerment: My Personal Journey

Like many women, I once found myself caught in a cycle of overwhelm:

  • Consumed by work

  • Lacking self-awareness

  • Disconnected from my true self

I was living, but not truly 'alive.'

This experience taught me a valuable lesson: many of us unconsciously follow paths dictated by others, seeking external validation at the cost of our own identity.

But there's hope. My journey of rediscovery led me to:

  • Break free from external expectations

  • Reclaim my intuition

  • Reconnect with my inner strength

  • Embrace my feminine power

Now, I'm here to guide you on your own transformative journey. Together, we'll turn your challenges into opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

My Unique Approach: Systemic Hypnotherapy for Holistic Transformation

What sets my approach apart:

  • Integration of Systemic Approach with hypnotherapy

  • Focus on holistic wellbeing and mental health

  • Deep dive into the interconnections of your experiences

  • Recognition of broader systems influencing your patterns

Unlike conventional therapies that only scratch the surface, we'll:

  • Navigate the complex web of your life experiences

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of your unique story

  • Initiate transformative change at the core

  • Nurture profound and lasting impact on your wellbeing

With this approach, we unlock your mind and body's innate capacity for self-healing, freeing you from unspoken burdens and revealing your limitless potential.

Fertility & ‘Free In Fertility’: Embracing Your Creative Force

Fertility is more than conception—it's the vibrant creative force within every woman. In our work together:

  • We address both fertility challenges and your broader life spectrum

  • We take a holistic approach to unlock your wellbeing

  • We stimulate personal growth and self-love

The meaning behind 'Free in Fertility':

  • Liberation from limitations

  • Embracing fertility in its broadest sense

  • Creating a space for freedom, joy and fulfillment

  • Supporting your unique journey toward self-discovery and motherhood

Whether you're trying to conceive or seeking overall wellbeing, my approach helps you reconnect with your authentic self and unlock your full potential.

Transformative Programs Tailored for You

Each program is uniquely designed to meet your specific needs and guide you towards personal wellbeing.

Free Resources to Support Your Journey:

Start your transformation today—choose the program that resonates with you!

Let's Connect and Transform Together!

I'm passionate about connecting with incredible women like you who are on the path to mental wellness and self-empowerment.

Ready to start your journey?

  • Book a Free Clarity Call here

  • Email me here

  • Follow @freeinfertility on Instagram for daily inspiration and exclusive content

Your transformation starts with a single step. Reach out today, and let's create the life you've always dreamed of!

Expert Credentials for Your Transformation

  • Certified Rapid Transformational Therapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist Trained by Marisa Peer, founder of RTT®

  • Certified Hypnotherapist Trained by renowned expert Paul McKenna

  • Certified Systemic Hypnotherapist Qualified by Instituto Silca Malutta

Rest assured, you're in experienced, well-trained hands on your journey to wellbeing.

I firmly believe there are no coincidences in life. Every challenge you face holds a message—an opportunity for revelation, understanding and healing.

No matter what you're going through right now, I'm confident in your ability to transform. You have the power to create a life filled with happiness, meaning and profound wellbeing.

Are you ready to unlock your true potential?

Let's begin this transformative journey together.