Transform Your Life and Fertility Through Mind-Body Connection

Unlock joy, purpose and self-understanding without long-term therapy

I know how much you want this and I also know how much you've been feeling disconnected from yourself, your femininity, your life, losing yourself in one desire.

You’ve been feeling…

  • Resentful

  • Disempowered

  • Depleted

  • Disoriented

  • Overwhelmed

  • Disconnected

  • Downhearted

  • Alone

Embracing a broader perspective of fertility, I guide you to embrace your true essence, experience wellbeing and ignite holistic growth and self-love.

Your Journey with Me

Here's how you will reconnect with yourself, feel more positive and empowered as you move through your journey and a life of many desires.

  • 1. Uncover Root Causes

    Discover what exactly is at the origins of the challenges you’re currently facing in your life.

    Feel greater energy and better focus on solutions and what you can do right now to improve your situation, peace of mind and emotional balance towards your desired goal with an overall easier relaxation and better sleep.

    Gain understanding of your uniqueness and what brought you here today to face this challenge in your life and as a woman.

    Work on overcoming the challenges that have been keeping you from the life that you so much desire to live.

  • 2. Empower Positive Change

    Feel empowered to use the power of your mind to influence many things on your journey and live a more successful and enjoyable experience of life.

    Get your confidence, self-worth and positivity back and stay motivated and emotionally balanced throughout your journey in a rapid and powerful way.

    Make space for all conversations to be addressed and create a more enjoyable and peaceful journey, equipped to handle any challenge along the way.

    Reconnect with your emotions and your body, learning to trust yourself and your life again, on a road of extraordinary self-discovery and self-empowerment.

  • 3. Transform Your Whole Life

    Treat yourself better - from the inside out - through learning how to recognize and shift your emotional state and allow yourself to dream, have hope and faith again and feel amazing about it.

    Take control of your thoughts, emotions and actions throughout your journey and for the rest of your life.

    Reconnect to a life of many desires and get a better sense of connection to yourself, your needs, your feminine energy, your sexuality and your relationship.

    Feel surrounded and supported throughout your journey so you keep moving on the right path for you.




Thrive Through Life's Challenges

Over the past years, I've had the privilege of guiding 100's of women and couples through the challenges of life, helping them navigate overwhelm and fertility blocks. Together, we've unlocked joy, purpose and a deeper self-understanding—all without the need for extensive therapy.

Join me on a journey to rediscover your innate strength!

My Incredible Journey of Transformation: A Hypnotherapy Success Story with Emary!

In this heartfelt testimonial, Emary opens up about those moments when life felt confusing and she found herself doing everything for others, losing touch with her own identity. Discover how Emary's newfound self-knowledge gave her the courage to chase her dreams, embracing a life where she finally puts herself first.

Feminine Transformation: A Journey of Well-Being and Empowerment

From miserable to feeling absolutely deserving of happiness and following her life's purpose

From 3 years of anxiety and profound despair to feeling free from the past, loved and a Mother now

Ready to start your transformation?

Hi, I’m Anne-Marie Pereira

As a committed therapist, my goal is to assist you in embracing your inner strength, unlocking your true potential and cultivating a life filled with love, joy, and fulfilment. Whether you're striving for emotional resilience, nurturing self-love or navigating the journey to motherhood, I'm here to support you at every stage.

Let’s Embark together on a Journey of Self-Discovery and Extraordinary Wellbeing!

From emotional breakdown & scarcity to extraordinary self-love & abundance

From no confidence to amazing self-reliance and abundance

After 3 months her 2 polyps have disappeared and no surgery is needed anymore

What my clients say…

From very dark feelings of powerlessness to amazing confidence, spontaneity and better relationships

From 6 years of trying and 3 IVF to welcoming her first baby

From 6 years of trying and 3 IVF to pregnant with her first baby

She found herself again

From low confidence to amazing inner self-assurance and self-awareness

Unlocked and free to be her real self and follow her dreams